Sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive medical treatment for both varicose veins and spider veins.
It’s used to make spider veins look cosmetically better and to relieve some symptoms that come with spider veins such as burning, aching and swelling. If you experience night cramps, it will solve that also.
After the sclerotherapy procedure, the veins that have been treated will fade away after couple of weeks.
Every patient is different, so some patients may need to go through few treatments for optimal results.
Prior to the Procedure
During your consultation hour, a doctor will do a physical exam and ask you about your medical history.
He will examine your veins and see if there are any blood vessels disorders.
When checking your medical history, he will ask if you take any oral contraceptives or if you are smoking (these can increase your risk of blood clots).
He will also ask if you are allergic to something and about all the medicines you are taking and current illness if you have any.
You should not undergo this procedure if you are pregnant.
A couple of days prior the treatment you should avoid certain medicines, such as aspirin and ibuprofen (anti-inflammatory medication).
The Treatment Process
Sclerotherapy is made in the doctor’s office. The whole process takes anywhere between 15 minutes and an hour. It all depends on your individual situation and how much your veins have been damaged.
You will lie on your back with your legs somewhat elevated. The treatment area will be cleaned with alcohol. Then, the doctor will use a super fine needle to inject the salt solution into the vein.
This solution causes the vein to collapse and the blood is rerouted to healthy veins. The treated vein is absorbed into surrounding tissue and it fades away.
There may be slight discomfort and cramping for about two minutes.
Afterward, a doctor will apply compression to the treatment area. How many injections are necessary depends on the size of the vein.
Also, the number of veins that will receive an injection in one treatment depends on the location and size of the veins… It also depends on your medical condition.
After the Procedure
After the treatment, you can continue with your daily activities. If you can take a nice walk every day, that would be great.
You will get the instruction to wear compression stockings to compress the treated areas. As before the treatment, so also after it, avoid aspirin and ibuprofen for two days. You can use Tylenol.
Also, for a couple of days you should avoid direct sunlight, hot baths and saunas. You should shower with cooler water.
The Results
Up to 80 % of veins that have been injected will be eliminated with each treatment. Spider veins will respond in 3 to 6 weeks and they will not return!
After a month, you should visit your doctor again to see the treatment success and if further sessions are necessary.
So, don’t suffer anymore from spider veins and get your first appointment with our highly trained professionals at [primary_practice]. Contact us!