Keep Smiling with Bellafill – The Only 5 Year Dermal Filler

You’ve probably read a lot about dermal fillers and you’re probably here because you’re considering trying one.

And if you’re serious about addressing issues like marionette lines, acne scarring and other skin challenges, Bellafill is a new entrant in the dermal filler market that you need to know about.

What makes it so special?  Let’s explore the benefits of the long-lasting cosmetic tool that’s taking the world of aesthetics by storm.

Five Years in the Making

The Food and Drug Administration doesn’t kid around.  And in the case of Bellafill, this government agency conducted a 5-year Post-Approval study to confirm not only the safety of the product but the reliability of results promised.  With 1,008 subjects participating, it’s clear that Bellafill is safe for use, following a skin test to ensure compatibility.

Most fillers last between 3 months to a year.  Because Bellafill’s results endure for an amazing 5 years, it was incumbent on the Agency to ensure that there were no long-term side effects.  Now that this been confirmed, Bellafill is open for business!

What Makes It Work?

Bellafill’s unique formulation contains polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) microspheres.  These are suspended in a base of smooth collagen gel.  It’s this gel which serves to immediately reduce the appearance of marionette lines.

The PMMA ingredient is used by your body to allow its own, naturally-produced collagen to adhere and enhance the effect.  Bellafill basically kick starts your collagen for an ongoing effect that adds up to fresher, more youthful skin.

By volumizing the areas you want to improve, your body’s natural processes are called on to create a prolonged vibrancy which lasts for 5 years.

That’s why Bellafill is so different.  It does more than fill.  It creates the conditions for your skin to regenerate.

Satisfaction.  Long-lasting Results.

Bellafill’s 85% customer satisfaction rate speaks for itself.  The long-lasting effects of this therapy are unprecedented in the world of fillers, with guests enjoying immediate results.  And that’s another way in which Bellafill differs from other dermal fillers.

You see results right away.  There’s no waiting, with Bellafill.  You go home, look in the mirror and see that you’ve done the right thing (even though some bruising may occur, which is transient and resolves within the space of a week).

So, summer needn’t be a time of wistful nostalgia.  You can face summer with the same enthusiasm and joy you did before time started having its way with you.

And that’s nothing short of a miracle.  But a miracle that lasts for 5 years is something to write home about!


Don’t spend another summer wishing you were 10 years younger.  Get the look you desire and get ready to greet the season of outdoor living as your best self.

[primary_practice] can get you there.  We’re a unique healthcare facility, offering primary care, anti-aging support and aesthetics services.  In concert, all these features of [primary_practice] create the Gold Circle of Care.

Contact us.  Schedule a consultation to find out if Bellafill is right for you.