You are not satisfied with the appearance of your lips, but you don’t want to end up like those people who did some filler treatments and came out with the lips that looked fake, swollen and artificial.
If you want your lips to be fuller, but natural, and want a non-surgical solution to make them fuller, do not look further… Volbella is the answer!
This amazing technology can give you great-looking lips, and also reduce all the wrinkles and lines around your mouth.
What Is This Amazing Volbella?
Volbella is an injectable that contains hyaluronic acid, and it’s fully organic and safe. It has been approved by FDA.
Vollbela improves the appearance of your lips making them fuller, but not too puffy. It’s here to accentuate your natural beauty.
Volbella also flattens the fine lines and wrinkles around your mouth, and if by any chance your lips are asymmetrical, Volbella will correct it.
The Treatment Process
The procedure lasts usually about half an hour.
Volbella already contains a numbing agent called lidocaine to make the whole process comfortable.
First, the area that is to be treated is made clean with antiseptic. The specialist will use a pen to mark the exact spots where Vorbella will be injected.
Then, he/she will use the first injection with an ultra-fine needle and wait a bit so the numbing agent can start working. He/she will massage the treated area in a gentle way to spread out the filler evenly and also use ice if any discomfort occurs.
Side-Effects and Post-Care
Side-effects are minimal with this treatment. You could experience mild swelling, redness or bruising at the treated area. This will last only for a week.
There is no actual downtime with Volbella. We just recommend to not wear makeup for a day after the treatment, and avoid direct sunlight and intense physical activity for about two days.
Also, sunbathing and saunas should be avoided for about two weeks. Otherwise, you can just go back to your everyday activities.
The Results
You will notice the results right away, but a couple of weeks later after the swelling is gone, the results will be visible in full. The results will last up to a full year. Then there’s a need for another treatment to maintain the results.
Your lips will be fuller and show a youthful appearance. The wrinkles and the fine lines will disappear.
The shape of the lips will be so much better looking, and if your lips have been asymmetrical, that will be gone.
Your skin will be soft and hydrated for a long time because of the hyaluronic acid found in Volbella.
First Consultation
Before the procedure, there’s time for your first appointment. How exciting! The specialist will ask you about your medical history and if you are currently taking any medication.
You will point the places where you want to see change and improvement. Then he will examine your skin and lips to make a decision if you are a candidate for Volbella.
Don’t wait and contact [primary_practice]. We will make sure you have the lips from your dreams!