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Body Contouring

Emsculpt NEO

EmSulpt NEO is a new treatment that combines electromagnetics and radio waves into one treatment, allowing us to burn fat, tone muscle, and tighten the skin all at once, in a 30-minute session that requires no downtime.



CoolSculpting® is a revolutionary technology that helps to trim down fat with the power of controlled cooling. It’s a non-surgical and non-invasive treatment, meaning you are able to get right back to your normal day without the need for downtime or recovery. CoolSculpting® is an effective way to slim down the midsection, thighs, buttocks, double chin, and more.



CoolTone® is a recent innovation in the field of body contouring. CoolTone® is non-invasive and uses the power of Magnetic Muscle Stimulation (or MMS) to strengthen, tone, and firm muscles in the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs. CoolSculpting is able to trim away unwanted fat, and CoolTone takes it a step further to help tone up the muscles, keeping them tight and firm.



Having trouble getting rid of those last few extra inches? SculpSure is the perfect option for eliminating stubborn pockets of fat, and it is PERMANENT. If you want a slimmer figure without having to undergo surgery, SculpSure non-invasive laser body contouring is the right choice for you.



It's easy to notice when the effects of aging take a toll on our appearance. The skin begins to sag, and we retain stubborn fat despite working out and dieting. Thankfully, BeautiFill makes it possible to restore your facial volume as you remove your stubborn fat – all in the same day!



Are you tired of failed attempts to lose weight through willpower alone? Have you hit a plateau that no amount of dieting or exercise seems to break through? There is a solution, and the answer lies within you - your body's innate intelligence to curb appetite and accelerate fat loss. And a little help from Semaglutide.